• Sponsors

    American Historical AssociationThe American Historical Association (AHA) is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1884 and incorporated by Congress in 1889 for the promotion of historical studies, the collection and preservation of historical documents and artifacts, and the dissemination of historical research. As the largest historical society in the United States, the AHA provides leadership and advocacy for the profession, fights to ensure academic freedom, monitors professional standards, spearheads essential research in the field, and provides resources and services to help its members succeed. The AHA serves more than 14,000 history professionals, representing every historical period and geographical area. AHA members include K –12 teachers, academics at two- and four-year colleges and universities, graduate students, historians in museums, historical organizations, libraries and archives, government and business, as well as independent historians.


    JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that enables discovery, access, and preservation of scholarly content. We collaborate with the academic community to achieve the following goals:

    • Help scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of scholarly journals, books, and primary sources on a dynamic platform that increases productivity and facilitates new forms of scholarship.
    • Help libraries connect patrons to vital content while increasing shelf-space savings and lowering costs.
    • Help publishers reach new audiences and preserve their scholarly content for future generations.
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